What the Yellow Vests in Frace demand of Macron - And what they’ll get now
As an activist, I find the story of the yellow vest protests in France fascinating, and so I want to share with you some backstory, the demands they have before Paris has peace again, and the concessions they’ve won so far.
TL/DR: Who are they
Angry rioting progressives in France, lighting cars on fire and screaming about Macron and his centrist policies as well as an upcoming gas tax hike. Over 70 percent of the French back the movement, Macron’s support is only 23 percent. They do not have a spokes person and anytime someone tries to step forward as a spokesperson the group responds negatively (trollz so hard). They’re doing this because they don’t have interest in negotiating, they want their entire platform now. [source]
What they want
I won’t put a TL/DR on it because it’s not a short list, but it is worth reading. The yellow vests in France have made the following demands:
Zero homeless: URGENT.
More progressive income tax (more slices).
Minimum wage at 1300 euros net.
Favor the small beginnings of the villages and town centers. (Stop the construction of large commercial areas around major cities that kill the small business) + free parking in city centers.
Large Housing Isolation Plan. (make ecology by saving households).
That WHOLESALE (Macdo, google, Amazon, Carrefour ...) pay LARGE and that the small (artisans, TPE PME) pay small.
Same social security system for everyone (including artisans and autoentrepreneurs). End of the RSI.
The pension system must remain in solidarity and therefore socialized. (No point of retirement).
End of the tax hike on fuel.
No retirement below 1,200 euros.
Any elected representative will be entitled to the median salary. His transport costs will be monitored and reimbursed if they are justified. Right to the restaurant ticket and the check.
The wages of all French people as well as pensions and allowances must be indexed to inflation.
Protecting French industry: prohibiting relocation. Protecting our industry is protecting our know-how and our jobs.
End of detached work. It is abnormal that a person who works on French territory does not benefit from the same salary and the same rights. Anyone who is authorized to work on French territory must be on a par with a French citizen and his employer must contribute at the same level as a French employer.
For job security: further limit the number of fixed-term contracts for large companies. We want more CDI.
End of the CICE. Use this money for the launch of a French hydrogen car industry (which is truly ecological, unlike the electric car.)
End of the austerity policy. We are ceasing to repay the interest on the debt that is declared illegitimate and we are starting to repay the debt without taking the money from the poor and the poorest but by fetching the $ 80 billion in tax evasion.
That the causes of forced migration are treated.
That asylum seekers be treated well. We owe them housing, security, food and education for the miners. Work with the UN to have host camps open in many countries around the world, pending the outcome of the asylum application.
That the unsuccessful asylum seekers be returned to their country of origin.
That a real integration policy is implemented. Living in France means becoming French (French language course, History of France course and civic education course with certification at the end of the course).
Maximum salary set at 15,000 euros [monthly, ed] .
That jobs are created for the unemployed.
Increase of disabled allowances.
Limitation of rents. + moderate rent housing (especially for students and precarious workers).
Prohibition to sell property belonging to France (airport dam ...)
Substantial means granted to the justice system, the police, the gendarmerie and the army. That law enforcement overtime be paid or recovered.
All the money earned by highway tolls will be used to maintain highways and roads in France and road safety.
As the price of gas and electricity has increased since privatization, we want them to become public again and prices fall significantly.
Immediate closure of small lines, post offices, schools and maternity wards.
Let's bring wellness to our seniors. Prohibition of making money on the elderly. The gray gold is finished. The era of gray well-being begins.
Maximum 25 students per class from kindergarten to 12th grade.
Substantial means brought to psychiatry.
The People's Referendum must enter the Constitution. Creating a readable and effective site, supervised by an independent control body where people can make a proposal for a law. If this bill obtains 700,000 signatures then this bill will have to be discussed, completed, amended by the National Assembly which will have the obligation, (one year to the day after obtaining the 700,000 signatures) to submit it. to the vote of all the French.
Back to a 7-year term for the President of the Republic. (The election of deputies two years after the election of the President of the Republic made it possible to send a positive or negative signal to the President of the Republic concerning his policy, so it helped to make the voice of the people heard.)
Retirement at age 60 and for all those who have worked in a trade using the body (mason or boner for example) right to retirement at 55 years.
A 6 year old child does not keep himself alone, continuation of the PAJEMPLOI help system until the child is 10 years old.
Promote the transport of goods by rail.
No withholding tax.
End of presidential allowances for life.
Prohibit paying merchants a tax when their customers use the credit card.
Tax on marine fuel oil and kerosene.
[Source: Guy from this post, backed by real French news site to make sure he knew what he was talking about, he did, so I stole it for you]
What have they won so far?
The tax hike on gas in January has been conceded so far, nothing else. And it’s not enough for them. [Source]
So what now?
With so much of the French public backing these guys I’m not sure what Marcon can do. I’ve seen counts between 130,000 300,000 people Involve... I don’t know if he would be bold enough to call in any sort of military force to clear the area when it is so popularly supported. It’s definitely a story will be keeping our eyes on.
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